I know that feelings are often more than facts. Most of the time is. Clara is perhaps what he told me in his night of fear. I wonder what is my victory? Reduced bed because of a virus I learn of the death of the mother of one of my best friends in adolescence. I try to write but I have a lump in my throat and in my letters. The first is unlocked and while swimming in that sadness, blurry eyes I realize that I have received an email from my teacher Floridor.

put me against the wall, hands up
I searched thoroughly.
Pictures found only with your eyes
and an anthology with my verses.
Nights on the stone.
Days after the wire.
not know, we were told-what to expect.
But I knew it. After days
stone wall
months you expect me to the door of the barracks
and that was my victory!

Photo: A photo (but I like dark) Floridor I took at The Barge in the winter of 2009. The second corresponds to the film La vita è bella by Roberto Benigni (a representation of another victory like this).
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