So come fall, or as Vincent would say, so I go up. Levitated over Andalusia and everything I love. Streets that spread out as the body of a dancer. Y. .. no, can not speak more from the time I name the word Flamenco. There are all filled me with passion. And as I write a poem to be called something like "vindication of the snake" in the Aires de Sevilla, as I cross the corner of Water and Life and came to the Plaza del Triunfo, I realize that today is that something as particular that there but leaves a hole where the hope is inexorable. Inspiro the smell of orange blossoms to come and I'm hung onto their balconies, caught in my braces my parasubidas. What I can do? Sing the greatness of Altazor and-not less-to honor the day, as any of them deserve.

highest It is heaven in your presence
The land extends
pink rose in the air and extends into a dove dove
When you let go a star on your site
you drop your lights like a ship passing
As you follow my song haunted
As a faithful and melancholy
snake and you turn your head at one star
What battle is fought in space? These
spears of light between planets reflect armor
ruthless bloodthirsty What star does not want to yield? Where are you sad
night owl Giver of infinite
happens in the forest of dreams
Here I am lost in oceans deserts
Just as the feather of a bird falls at night
Here I am in a cooling tower
Nestled in the memory of your lips maritime
In the memory of your indulgence and your hair bright and unleashed
as mountain rivers
Would you go to be blind God gave you those hands? I ask again
The arch of your eyebrows tended to weapons of eyes
winner in the offensive winged flower securely with pride I speak for myself
stones pummeled
I speak for me, the waves of birds without sky
Te speak for me the color of the landscape without wind
I speak for me the flock of sheep taciturn
Asleep in your memory I speak for me the stream discovered
grass tied surviving
Adventure Adventure horizon light and blood
No more shelter a flower that goes
If there is a little wind
The plains are lost in your grace
fragile the world is lost on your walk for all things visible
trick when you show your light dangerous
With Innocent harmony without fatigue
or forgotten element
wheel inward tear of fear Built
proud and you make silence
And while the sky with infinite instincts
Far from you all is mortal agony
Spears humiliated by land
nights only what you think tastes like eternity
Here goes your star
With your breath of toil far
with your gestures and mode With the space walk
greets you with miles separating us
night however I warn that we are sewn to the same star
We sewn by the same music lying
From one to another
For the same troubled giant shadow as tree
that piece of heaven Let
That piece that passes the mysterious adventure
The Adventure of the planet that explodes in
dream petals would try in vain to get away from my voice
And jump the walls of my praise
We sewn by the same star
're tied to the moons
nightingale That is a sacred ritual in the throat.
do I care for signs of the night and the root
and funeral echo in my chest with
What I care about the enigma of light that illuminate
emblems chance
And those islands travel destination chaos without my
eyes do I care that fear of flower in a vacuum
What I care about the name of nothing
endless desert Or the will or the chance to represent
And if every star in this desert oasis is a desire omen
O flags
death and I have an atmosphere in your own breath
The fabulous up your look with destiny
intimate language with its own seed
your forehead like a ring light of God
stronger than all the flora of heaven
No swirling universe rears
As a horse because of its shadow on the air
I ask you again Would you go to be dumb that God gave you those eyes?
I have that voice of yours to all defenses
That voice that leaves you in a heartbeat
That voice in eternity
falls and breaks into pieces of phosphorescent areas
What would life be if you were not born?
A dying comet without mantle de frío
Te hallé como una lágrima en un libro olvidado
Con tu nombre sensible desde antes en mi pecho
Tu nombre hecho del ruido de palomas que se vuelan
Traes en ti el recuerdo de otras vidas más altas
De un Dios encontrado en alguna parte
Y al fondo de ti misma recuerdas que eras tú
El pájaro de antaño en la clave del poeta
Sueño en un sueño sumergido
La cabellera que se ata hace el día
La cabellera al desatarse hace la noche
La vida se contempla en el olvido
Sólo viven tus ojos en el mundo
El único sistema planetario sin fatiga
Serena piel anclada en las alturas
Ajena a toda red y estratagema
En su fuerza de luz ensimismada
Detrás de ti la vida siente miedo
Porque eres la profundidad de toda cosa
El mundo deviene majestuoso cuando pasas
Se oyen caer lágrimas del cielo
Y borras en el alma adormecida
La amargura de ser vivo
Se hace liviano el orbe en las espaldas
Mí alegría es oír el ruido del viento en tus cabellos
(Reconozco ese ruido desde lejos)
Cuando las barcas zozobran y el río arrastra troncos de árbol
Eres una lámpara de carne en la tormenta
Con los cabellos a todo viento
Tus cabellos donde el sol va a buscar sus mejores sueños
Mi alegría es mirarte solitaria en el diván del mundo
Como la mano de una
sleepy princess With your eyes that odors evoke a piano paroxysms
A drink
A flower scent that is stopping
loneliness Your eyes hypnotize
As the wheel continues to rotate after the disaster
My joy is to watch you when you hear
That ray of light on its way to the bottom of the water and stay suspended
long time
many stars passed through the sieve of the sea has nothing
then such emotion
not asking for wind mast
Not a blind feeling for the infinite plane Neither
Dove emaciated asleep on a Ni
regret the rainbow with wings sealed
more beautiful than the parable of a verse
Parable hanging bridge from soul to soul night
Born in all places where I put my eyes
With your head up And all the hair flying
you more beautiful than the neighing of a horse on the mountain
the siren of a boat that lets out all his soul
a beacon in the fog looking for someone to save
're more beautiful than the swallow
traversed by the wind You are the sound of the sea in summer
're the noise of a crowded street full of admiration
My glory is in your eyes
Dressed the luxury of your eyes and your inner glow
I'm sitting in the corner of your eyes more sensitive
Under static motionless silence comes
tabs an omen of the fund out of your eyes
And a rippling ocean wind your pupils
Nothing compares to that legend of seed that leaves your presence
A voice that is looking for a star dead back to life
Your voice makes a rule
space And the hand that rises in you like to hang soles in the air
And that look you type worlds in the infinite
And that head that bends to hear a whisper in eternity
And that foot that is the feast of the roads chained
And those eyes where the sparks are beached
ether And the kiss that swells the bow of your lips
And that smile like a banner in front of your life and that secret
directed tides Asleep
your chest in the shade of your breasts
If you died
Stars despite his lamp on the road would lose
What would the universe?
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