Sunday, September 27, 2009

Carpet Install Closet Door

Everything has an end

remember clearly the classes of Natural Sciences 2 of GBS when studying living things are born, grow, reproduce and die. We learned these little phrases which enclosed great truths. And it is quite true that this age is very innocent one, but in turn is happy. It is probably happy because there are many around who are responsible for problems that could Solucionarte acecharte. Moreover, it is happy because there is nothing and nobody to stop you so.

But life happens and things change. One ceases to be innocent, to force, but ceases to be the end of the day. And one already do not have or should have, to anyone who solves the major problems that are appearing every day. Moreover, problems often get very damn tripping ourselves and sometimes can give lunges for which it is difficult, very difficult to escape. It is the first to know that does not leave them ... not be the last.

Not that my life is on the verge of dying, or I think, because to follow the guidelines of Mother Nature should first be grown, which at times I have done, then I should have played, and very my regret that there has been no ... and finally to the point of death. So if God wants and circumstances permitting me (Something which is always a incertudimbre Nivola of my eyes) I have still time to complete my lifecycle. However

this blog, today, completed its life cycle. Born in September 2006 with the innocent intention to mean anything, I'm not sure why. He was born to "fight the worst government in the history of Spain", but I myself in my stupidity I've gone away from that first big goal for which I started writing on this blog.

The "political struggle" has brought me very little benefit. I've been fighting with people I should not have faced, but has not made me take my time and energy for other things and Worse, it has done nothing to oppose the policy that governs us podedumbre.

This blog comes to an end. I suppose in my heart of hearts there is a light that hopeful thought in vain for one day will resume this blog or some major scandal will take me to sit in front of the computer screen to express my ideas chaotically. I hope with all my heart that it is not. I want to break with everything that is hurting me massively as a person, and this blog (recently neglected and poor) is one of those things. 365 articles, more than 3 years of overlapping letters have not led to anything.

This blog was born, grew up in company of very valuable people who deserve very much worth and at that point fatal to the existence ends. Along the way I remember fondly Locksmith, Tristan, Caballero ZP, a decent, MMX, Maya, a Fatal Fan and many others who once (and many) have walked through these pages. Some I will meet you any day on any street, others will never recognize them. But everyone, God bless.


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