Alberto in NewCope (3 ª part)
Last installment of this trilogy on the bombastic and teatrero mayor of the capital Madrid, the ever eternal successor and eternal promise of the party Alberto Ruiz-Gallardon popular. In this chapter I want to remember and discuss two situations staged by this gentleman in the most glorious of the popular party. Far left, though.
On January 31, 1996, journalist Paul Sebastian wrote an article entitled "Controversy with Gallardón." Let's play some excerpts from that article.
In substance and form of the English election debate is not only involved in the handover of power, or the relief of the PSOE and the PP. Is in the running a corrupt regime where, in addition to any criminal and political responsibilities with their rulers, with Gonzalez to head a powerful network appears no less suspicious of financiers and publishers. An ambitious group that has been the economic and cultural belt of Philip, who fear losing their privileges and, with the possible defeat of the PSOE, expects national control the landing of PP as they did successfully in the Community of Madrid.
politicians [...] They got financial editors and PSOE in Madrid ambition advantage (even to replace Aznar the slightest slip) Ruiz-Gallardon. With the hope that the Madrid relief without loss of the privileges of the Philips (seen in Telemadrid, Caja Madrid and Health) as a model for national change Aznar and teaches the path of submission to the powers of PSOE.
have used as guinea pig to Gallardón. But his false moderation and appeasement in the clear Madrid to the facts of the PSOE (in addition to their support for Barrionuevo and Pujol) was too rough and discovered by the foundation and dome of PP. And denounced by the free and independent press that the president of the Community so slanderous, accused of controlling ambition 'Telemadrid', which placed the "people" of Polanco and the PSOE. And this
Gallardón says and does not respect the dignity of the office he holds. With the same audacity he used in the radio, to cover his "betrayal" and collusion with the PSOE, his father Utrera Molina, making it his personal shield, looking for scandal and becoming the victim of a fake family insult, because in a chronic satirical it was called, with greater or lesser success, "Utrerito of Nerja ', to highlight their fascist ways or" Corcoran ", given its aggression and wastefulness of the horse of the Duchess.
Gallardón went to the gathering of Cope insulting because I complained and I will continue doing his imposture in Madrid, praised in his day as his electoral reform bill. He started the discussion and the final, sweaty and full of water, he invited me to lunch (spent months with that plan) A journalist so unworthy! And if you really want to hear or read insults manipulations that listens to its "companions" of Being in the morning or the evening and read El Pais.
By publishing group whose pattern, Polanco and Cebrian, Gallardón invited to dinner at his house, neither published The Country ", to promote the control and facilitate unanimously Telemadrid television sweeps the campaign against IU and PP. Yesterday was the manipulation of the CEOE. Paving, in short, the play of the relay in the national power chips marked in pursuit of "change without change ', as in his community. For the regime is, ultimately, more or less as it is. That and no other is the substantive issue being fought in the dirty campaign and on the board of power where González and Polanco used as a pawn Gallardón horse who dreams of being reckless, but a loser. Interesting paragraphs written by Paul Sebastian before the PP is boosted with the power.
interesting to see how Gallardón then starred as forgers antics Cope with journalists, then under the baton of Antonio Herrero. Always yearning power, jumping into the arms of corrupt politicians from other parties (then as Corcuera glories and present glories Barrionuevo and his cronies as Bono and Trinidad Jiménez).
is also curious to see how far Esperanza Aguirre accused of wanting to take control of Caja Madrid and Telemadrid put at your service (remember the unions making ridiculous) when 12 years ago this same, or worse, it did Gallardón with the media group that was doing much damage to his party. Prisa Prisa was then, and an editorial in El Pais could bury you. What has not changed is the way to act Ruiz-Gallardon. Let us now
Eduardo Inda an article entitled "Outrage in the dome of PP against Gallardón" which was published on April 20, 1998 in the newspaper El Mundo.
"Damn, this guy has become a pact with the devil." Wednesday 15 April, 20.45. Five national PP deputies have gathered to witness on television the match Real Madrid Borussia-League Champions. The focus of the talks is not the player Fernando Carlos Redondo, the star of the match, but a prosecutor put a politician: Alberto Ruiz-Gallardon.
The origin of the wrath of these members is none other than the 'nth flirting "with Madrid president Philip and the Prisa group -" the devil "in popular key. Members of the leadership of PP were very graphic yesterday when defining the reaction to the recent ravings of Gallardón and Philips with related media: "We are up to the cap."
also recalled a demonstration of Gallardón at the time agreed, with 28 years to the Secretary General of NATO People: "I am more right than my father [José María]." In the popular dome accuse him of "lack of solidarity, for the sake of the PSOE, which affects the open flank Gallardón to give the impression that the party lacks the strength and cohesion."
Two episodes have made the straw that broke the camel: an agreement endorsed by Gallardón on the life of the Circle of Fine Arts will focus on Haste, and recently held secret interview with Felipe Gonzalez. "We can not explain what he did [Gallardón] on April 1 sponsoring the signing of an agreement between the Circle and Prisa, which sent the Polanco himself to act ' argue from the City of Madrid. Gallardón emcee made an act that makes Prisa in the alma mater of one of the most prestigious cultural institutions in the capital.
The interview with the former leader of the PSOE was conducted in absolute secrecy. Efficient while the press service of the Community of Madrid, which employs 40 people, forgot to mention in full daily agenda sent to all media. Sources close to the Moncloa yesterday gave Gallardón assume that the meeting did not inform the Prime Minister and the PP, José María Aznar. The meeting reportedly took place in the second half of March. Around holidays when the meeting was already an open secret, Gallardón decided to give an explanation to his fellow party members, the appointment was prompted by the desire of Felipe González to know how he had been the Chair of the Community in the former Directorate-Sol Security General Franco, after the refurbishment. Del
upset by this meeting to sneak passed the anger within the PP on Friday. The reason: some statements of the regional president's party, that is, González, which suggested the holding of a primary-Gallardón Aznar. Popular address in Genoa 13 not forget other "wrongs": reception Pujol few months before the 1996 general election, its policy of "harassment and demolition" at the Madrid City Council, its passage from page to the Ferrer case or the award of the Gold Medal of the Socialist Community Joaquin Leguina.
"We are tired of the arrogance of Gallardón and his advisers," emphasizes a councilman Alvarez del Manzano. While his staff is encouraged and the party has given free rein, the mayor questions the appropriateness of foot stop him publicly to his neighbor.
"We do not know what to do to make us a little case in the country." This sentence does not correspond to a figure from the PP, as might be inferred given the editorial line newspaper that addresses Jesus Ceberio. These 15 words have come from the mouth of a prominent member of the PSOE in the Madrid Assembly. Prisa Gallardón-tuning makes the guidance of the National pages of El País has little to do with local. Socialist spokesman in the Madrid Assembly, Jaime Lissavetzky, is all but unknown to readers of the Journal of Polanco. Unlike everything Gallardón. The wide coverage given to their projects is inversely proportional to receiving their mistakes. Alvarez del Manzano
contrasts the treatment given to its management in the pages of Polanco with which is given to the Community. This week, Mayor announced its intention to suspend the annual subsidy granted by the Círculo de Bellas Artes. Was furious to learn 'landing' of Prisa in the institution of the Calle de Alcala, landing that was not reported. The first fact that made her suspect the PP of "the media friends" of President Madrid was the agreement to integrate Telemadrid in Cablevision. This company, led by Telefónica de Candido Velazquez, Caja Madrid and Prisa, wanted to have a monopoly on cable business in Spain.
"The night I might break the PP ', titled Age in February 1996. The magazine reported the watchmaking precision hours prior to the establishment of Cablevision, February 9, 1996, three weeks before the general election. Well into the night of 8, Aznar managed to break a cartel as drafted, whose firm was scheduled for the morning. A clear order came on the seventh floor of Genoa 13 bound for the municipalities governed by the PP: inviting tenders awarded to the highest bidder for the operation of the cable.
It was April 1996 and the Directorate General for Trade of the Community of Madrid had finalized a bill to ban the sale of cultural goods on Sundays and public holidays. Crisol de Polanco stores sold books and records on holidays, benefiting from a blind eye Executive of Leguina. Regional Director of Trade, Carmen Caballero, prepared a regulatory decree that was never heard. Crucible is still expending books and records the holidays with anger of small businesses. Gallardón was contertulio Being chain before his election as regional president of Madrid. There he shared a microphone with Jose Barrionuevo, who defended the case following the outbreak GAL.
And why not extend this far I did not want to play the famous editorial in the country after the elections of 96 in all were made to the defenestration of Aznar and the rise of Gallardón to the altar. And I wonder why after so many misdeeds and so many snubs to his party (a party that has governed in Spain by an absolute majority without Gallardón at the top) this guy is on the first line? What vested interests behind the figure of Gallardón?
Someone has to be able to explain why a guy who has done so very much damage to his party continues year after year note. I wonder why the opinion of this man, who has been having (and these three items the glimpse) is just as relevant to their heads and some media (and why many hide their misdeeds). I would also like to know why after of so many years this type is bound in a lesser charge but acting as a great leader when he pleases, without any consequences thereof.
That this man, who went on a tantrum child and returned two days later, follow in public life, especially in the ranks of the PP is incomprehensible. That a man who is characterized by the victimization, the bullshit and most disgusting grossness continues to have the supposed high regard I have no head. Gallardón treasure is no politician, but on the contrary, I think he has done more harm than good to the PP has been reported. But hey, they know.