Tuesday, September 29, 2009

How Much Jon Cryer Getpaods

More to Mumfred

Esta vez son los giros de Josh, el chaval. This is taking shape.

© Property of Jaime Visedo
for "Mumfred." This time it's Josh, the kid. This is Beginning to grow.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Carpet Install Closet Door

Everything has an end

remember clearly the classes of Natural Sciences 2 of GBS when studying living things are born, grow, reproduce and die. We learned these little phrases which enclosed great truths. And it is quite true that this age is very innocent one, but in turn is happy. It is probably happy because there are many around who are responsible for problems that could Solucionarte acecharte. Moreover, it is happy because there is nothing and nobody to stop you so.

But life happens and things change. One ceases to be innocent, to force, but ceases to be the end of the day. And one already do not have or should have, to anyone who solves the major problems that are appearing every day. Moreover, problems often get very damn tripping ourselves and sometimes can give lunges for which it is difficult, very difficult to escape. It is the first to know that does not leave them ... not be the last.

Not that my life is on the verge of dying, or I think, because to follow the guidelines of Mother Nature should first be grown, which at times I have done, then I should have played, and very my regret that there has been no ... and finally to the point of death. So if God wants and circumstances permitting me (Something which is always a incertudimbre Nivola of my eyes) I have still time to complete my lifecycle. However

this blog, today, completed its life cycle. Born in September 2006 with the innocent intention to mean anything, I'm not sure why. He was born to "fight the worst government in the history of Spain", but I myself in my stupidity I've gone away from that first big goal for which I started writing on this blog.

The "political struggle" has brought me very little benefit. I've been fighting with people I should not have faced, but has not made me take my time and energy for other things and Worse, it has done nothing to oppose the policy that governs us podedumbre.

This blog comes to an end. I suppose in my heart of hearts there is a light that hopeful thought in vain for one day will resume this blog or some major scandal will take me to sit in front of the computer screen to express my ideas chaotically. I hope with all my heart that it is not. I want to break with everything that is hurting me massively as a person, and this blog (recently neglected and poor) is one of those things. 365 articles, more than 3 years of overlapping letters have not led to anything.

This blog was born, grew up in company of very valuable people who deserve very much worth and at that point fatal to the existence ends. Along the way I remember fondly Locksmith, Tristan, Caballero ZP, a decent, MMX, Maya, a Fatal Fan and many others who once (and many) have walked through these pages. Some I will meet you any day on any street, others will never recognize them. But everyone, God bless.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

What Is My Career In My Date Of Birth


leave here a study of color and character to the draft Mumfred series. As the series is going to be 3D, I tried to give volume to the design that already had for the comics in which it is based. I've given this hair, but I really do not know if in the end go with your hair or not. I'll probably do another version simulating the hair with volume geometry.

© Jaime Visedo

Here I post a color and character design test for the animation series project "Mumfred". The series is coing to be 3D, so I tried to give some volume to the character I had previously designed for my comics strips that the series is based on. I've drown it with fur, but I don't really know if it'll finally have fur or not. Probably I'll have to draw another version simulating fur with geometry volumes.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Secret Delta Gamma Initiation Rituals

Sánchez Manzano "the killer" of the evidence of 11-M

Gallardón said by active and passive we already knew everything there was to know about the attacks March 11 2004.Tanto so that the mayor of Madrid, with the connivance of the higher powers of the state, got to sit on a stool and ordered in the first instance to the broadcaster EsRadio philologist and Federico Jimenez Losantos. And it's not forget that one of the reasons that led to the beheading of Teruel was his fervent defense of the bombings in Madrid are anything but what they told us Bermúdez and company.

These days we know how judges Sanchez Manzano archived complaints against anyone who had dared to sully his dubious honor. Moreover, we know these days that the sausage was devoted Manzano (and God knows how many others with him) to destroy evidence of the bombings in Madrid.

not forget, the Madrid bombings were a few very rare. Some attacks where no one knows that exploded in the trains (which were quickly destroyed by the way), where there is not one Atocha camera to record the alleged Islamists who allegedly carried out the attacks and where today do not know who was the mind behind them, and worse, who was the financial support of them.

In summary I would like to reproduce this press Civic Platform Black Pawns I think may be of great interest.

black laborers like to express his surprise at the statement de Sánchez Manzano as alleged by the complaint filed by the default AAVV11M the duty to prosecute crimes, concealment concealment of evidence and false testimonio.En his appearance before the judge admits that he ordered destroyed nearly all traces collected explosive outbreaks of the attacks on 11 March. The reason adduced is that they were classified as mere "objects" rather than evidence or samples for determining the explosive utilizado.Sin but the Criminal Procedure Act makes no distinction between "objects" and "samples" and establishes the duty of care of any evidence from the scene of a crime under the supervision of the investigator, that is one who can decide which expert evidence has value and what not. But in the summary of March 11 has not any document that Judge Del Olmo, in the case, authorizes such destruction remains the most serious outbreaks of explosión.Todavía Manzano is that Sanchez could not give a satisfactory explanation to the fact that fail to reach the expert's opinion remains selected and reviewed by the expert chemist of EOD proceeding. also charged in this because it opened at the Court of Instruction No. 43 have declared a six EOD witnesses who participated in collecting the remains March 11 and subsequent days, which have shown that no evidence ever are removed and not aware of that have never been destroyed evidence without a warrant. According to his statement only in the Atocha station were collected 80 bags of debris, while the expert of the trial came only 23 samples in total of the four bombed trains.

have also stated that Sanchez Manzano took over operational control which corresponded, according to the protocol of action, the Provincial Brigade citizen Madrid.Desde this platform are confident that the case against Sanchez Manzano allow solving the disappearance of the samples collected March 11 onwards, which has prevented the determination of the explosive used in the attacks. We hope that in turn the Ministry of Interior opened an internal investigation to determine over the responsibilities arising from these hechos.Por Finally we express our solidarity with the journalist for El Mundo Antonio Rubio, which the prosecution asks for three years in prison for a alleged crime of divulging secrets, revealing that the magnet 'Cartagena' was an informer infiltrated into plots of 11-M.

fabric has the matter, including the Antonio Rubio. Has provided material that the culprit is a journalist, regardless of wrongdoing in office. I still remember the journalists of the world who were fined by the world famous photo of Gonzales wandering the halls court after securing to a dozen judges who were not aware of the GAL. GAL and 11-M, two chapters of our history modrna of which at least one, yet we know nothing.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Sultan Sandane Sheets

The double standards of PP

I myself from this blog have accused the current leadership of the Popular Party of being hypocrites and acting in one way or another Depending on the circumstances. In his day discussed the paradox of not supporting the Statute of Catalonia and do the opposite with his cousin Andalusian or appeal to the Constitutional gay marriage bill and marry them later in municipalities under the leadership of PP (led by the mayors themselves.) Today

paradox comes to mind with the case choriceos Benidorm and there are occurring, mother-ugly tonti by Leire Pajin. However, the accusations come from people with a history unhygienic, but it is clear that, taking decades in politics, having supported all kinds of leaders and different lines ideológocas, little can be expected from some leaders of the popular party. Today

Jesus Cacho The Confidential published an article by José Luis Lobo entitled "Rajoy tucked Zaplana to assault the mayor of Benidorm with a defector from the PSOE. In these lines then I play as Wolf reminds us sempieterno Rajoy and the hair gel mega man Eduardo Zaplana mill in Benidorm a few years ago.

memory-or rather, poor memory, often play tricks. And there are the ever-useful-but-treacherous many times newspaper archives to prove it.

Yesterday, Mariano Rajoy said, grimly, that the assault of the PSOE for mayor of Benidorm to leave the PP from power by a runaway popular is "a political decision profoundly undemocratic." And on Saturday said, referring to the censure motion devised by parents number three socialist, Leire Pajin, and sponsored by it in the wings, that "something is rotten in Benidorm." 18 years ago, however, Rajoy was not thinking the same thing, because he supported without fuss operation now identical to that sentence. Only then the slice was for his party.

Rajoy, at that time assistant secretary general of the PP-and the rest of the dome of Genoa, led by José María Aznar, enthusiastically supported the censure motion that, in the overnight, pulled out of anonymity to a certain Eduardo Zaplana and crowned him mayor of the tourist town with a vote of Maruja Sánchez, a renegade socialist suddenly who was later abducted by the Generalitat Valenciana chair and later became a minister under Aznar. What's more Rajoy himself blessed the operation and then tucked the young apprentice politician during a visit to Benidorm.

was the November 12, 1991. That day, Rajoy went to Benidorm to chair the meeting of the Regional Executive of the Valencian PP. The conclave was held precisely in Benidorm, not in Valencia, to support Zaplana, ten days later was sworn mayor after wresting the control stick to the socialist Manuel Catalán. He even described his successor of "bird of prey" and "unworthy politician."

During that meeting sponsored by Rajoy, the then leader of the PP in Valencia and now a senator, Pedro Agrawal, said the envoy's presence in Benidorm Aznar and the regional leadership of the party was a "clear show of support all "a Zaplana to the" very clear situation of lawlessness "caused by the defection of the defector Sánchez within Socialist ranks. The call marujazo was about to be completed, and two smiling and Zaplana Rajoy promised they were very happy.

is true that by then the Antitransfuguismo Covenant had not yet been signed. We had to wait almost seven years for the government, then in the hands PP-and 13 political parties to subscribe to the July 7, 1998, an agreement condemning the "pathological political nature" of turncoat and conspire to prevent those who betrayed their initials could change the majority of government public institutions. But the fact remains that as early as 1991-and-long before the escapees were a plague democratic politicians whose behavior repugnant, but almost all the parties looked the other way when the defection of benefit to any of them.

Yesterday, Rajoy gave an ultimatum to José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero to publicly guarantee you that the 12 council members who have given the Socialists coup de Benidorm alliance with the PP defector José Bañuelos, including the mother of Pajín, Maite Iraola-not repeated in future lists of PSOE. Otherwise, said Rajoy, the PP will not attend any meeting of the Covenant Antitransfuguismo.

Oh my God! Read what our eyes! Ojiplático am! The shenanigans yesterday starred in Benidorm today put their hands to the head because his political opponents (friends in private) do something similar to what they did for almost two decades. What does that prove? That the vast majority of politicians are sausages. But beware, some of them are decent and they still have "balls" to say what they think, as is the case of Juan Jose Guemes, did not hesitate to criticize the country from their own pages. I would like Mariano, and wanted!

Friday, September 11, 2009

Berlinwood Fingerboards On Sell

Alberto in NewCope (3 ª part)

Last installment of this trilogy on the bombastic and teatrero mayor of the capital Madrid, the ever eternal successor and eternal promise of the party Alberto Ruiz-Gallardon popular. In this chapter I want to remember and discuss two situations staged by this gentleman in the most glorious of the popular party. Far left, though.

On January 31, 1996, journalist Paul Sebastian wrote an article entitled "Controversy with Gallardón." Let's play some excerpts from that article.

In substance and form of the English election debate is not only involved in the handover of power, or the relief of the PSOE and the PP. Is in the running a corrupt regime where, in addition to any criminal and political responsibilities with their rulers, with Gonzalez to head a powerful network appears no less suspicious of financiers and publishers. An ambitious group that has been the economic and cultural belt of Philip, who fear losing their privileges and, with the possible defeat of the PSOE, expects national control the landing of PP as they did successfully in the Community of Madrid.

politicians [...] They got financial editors and PSOE in Madrid ambition advantage (even to replace Aznar the slightest slip) Ruiz-Gallardon. With the hope that the Madrid relief without loss of the privileges of the Philips (seen in Telemadrid, Caja Madrid and Health) as a model for national change Aznar and teaches the path of submission to the powers of PSOE.

have used as guinea pig to Gallardón. But his false moderation and appeasement in the clear Madrid to the facts of the PSOE (in addition to their support for Barrionuevo and Pujol) was too rough and discovered by the foundation and dome of PP. And denounced by the free and independent press that the president of the Community so slanderous, accused of controlling ambition 'Telemadrid', which placed the "people" of Polanco and the PSOE. And this

Gallardón says and does not respect the dignity of the office he holds. With the same audacity he used in the radio, to cover his "betrayal" and collusion with the PSOE, his father Utrera Molina, making it his personal shield, looking for scandal and becoming the victim of a fake family insult, because in a chronic satirical it was called, with greater or lesser success, "Utrerito of Nerja ', to highlight their fascist ways or" Corcoran ", given its aggression and wastefulness of the horse of the Duchess.

Gallardón went to the gathering of Cope insulting because I complained and I will continue doing his imposture in Madrid, praised in his day as his electoral reform bill. He started the discussion and the final, sweaty and full of water, he invited me to lunch (spent months with that plan) A journalist so unworthy! And if you really want to hear or read insults manipulations that listens to its "companions" of Being in the morning or the evening and read El Pais.

By publishing group whose pattern, Polanco and Cebrian, Gallardón invited to dinner at his house, neither published The Country ", to promote the control and facilitate unanimously Telemadrid television sweeps the campaign against IU and PP. Yesterday was the manipulation of the CEOE. Paving, in short, the play of the relay in the national power chips marked in pursuit of "change without change ', as in his community. For the regime is, ultimately, more or less as it is. That and no other is the substantive issue being fought in the dirty campaign and on the board of power where González and Polanco used as a pawn Gallardón horse who dreams of being reckless, but a loser. Interesting paragraphs written by Paul Sebastian before the PP is boosted with the power.

interesting to see how Gallardón then starred as forgers antics Cope with journalists, then under the baton of Antonio Herrero. Always yearning power, jumping into the arms of corrupt politicians from other parties (then as Corcuera glories and present glories Barrionuevo and his cronies as Bono and Trinidad Jiménez).

is also curious to see how far Esperanza Aguirre accused of wanting to take control of Caja Madrid and Telemadrid put at your service (remember the unions making ridiculous) when 12 years ago this same, or worse, it did Gallardón with the media group that was doing much damage to his party. Prisa Prisa was then, and an editorial in El Pais could bury you. What has not changed is the way to act Ruiz-Gallardon. Let us now

Eduardo Inda an article entitled "Outrage in the dome of PP against Gallardón" which was published on April 20, 1998 in the newspaper El Mundo.

"Damn, this guy has become a pact with the devil." Wednesday 15 April, 20.45. Five national PP deputies have gathered to witness on television the match Real Madrid Borussia-League Champions. The focus of the talks is not the player Fernando Carlos Redondo, the star of the match, but a prosecutor put a politician: Alberto Ruiz-Gallardon.

The origin of the wrath of these members is none other than the 'nth flirting "with Madrid president Philip and the Prisa group -" the devil "in popular key. Members of the leadership of PP were very graphic yesterday when defining the reaction to the recent ravings of Gallardón and Philips with related media: "We are up to the cap."
also recalled a demonstration of Gallardón at the time agreed, with 28 years to the Secretary General of NATO People: "I am more right than my father [José María]." In the popular dome accuse him of "lack of solidarity, for the sake of the PSOE, which affects the open flank Gallardón to give the impression that the party lacks the strength and cohesion."

Two episodes have made the straw that broke the camel: an agreement endorsed by Gallardón on the life of the Circle of Fine Arts will focus on Haste, and recently held secret interview with Felipe Gonzalez. "We can not explain what he did [Gallardón] on April 1 sponsoring the signing of an agreement between the Circle and Prisa, which sent the Polanco himself to act ' argue from the City of Madrid. Gallardón emcee made an act that makes Prisa in the alma mater of one of the most prestigious cultural institutions in the capital.

The interview with the former leader of the PSOE was conducted in absolute secrecy. Efficient while the press service of the Community of Madrid, which employs 40 people, forgot to mention in full daily agenda sent to all media. Sources close to the Moncloa yesterday gave Gallardón assume that the meeting did not inform the Prime Minister and the PP, José María Aznar. The meeting reportedly took place in the second half of March. Around holidays when the meeting was already an open secret, Gallardón decided to give an explanation to his fellow party members, the appointment was prompted by the desire of Felipe González to know how he had been the Chair of the Community in the former Directorate-Sol Security General Franco, after the refurbishment. Del
upset by this meeting to sneak passed the anger within the PP on Friday. The reason: some statements of the regional president's party, that is, González, which suggested the holding of a primary-Gallardón Aznar. Popular address in Genoa 13 not forget other "wrongs": reception Pujol few months before the 1996 general election, its policy of "harassment and demolition" at the Madrid City Council, its passage from page to the Ferrer case or the award of the Gold Medal of the Socialist Community Joaquin Leguina.

"We are tired of the arrogance of Gallardón and his advisers," emphasizes a councilman Alvarez del Manzano. While his staff is encouraged and the party has given free rein, the mayor questions the appropriateness of foot stop him publicly to his neighbor.

"We do not know what to do to make us a little case in the country." This sentence does not correspond to a figure from the PP, as might be inferred given the editorial line newspaper that addresses Jesus Ceberio. These 15 words have come from the mouth of a prominent member of the PSOE in the Madrid Assembly. Prisa Gallardón-tuning makes the guidance of the National pages of El País has little to do with local. Socialist spokesman in the Madrid Assembly, Jaime Lissavetzky, is all but unknown to readers of the Journal of Polanco. Unlike everything Gallardón. The wide coverage given to their projects is inversely proportional to receiving their mistakes. Alvarez del Manzano

contrasts the treatment given to its management in the pages of Polanco with which is given to the Community. This week, Mayor announced its intention to suspend the annual subsidy granted by the Círculo de Bellas Artes. Was furious to learn 'landing' of Prisa in the institution of the Calle de Alcala, landing that was not reported. The first fact that made her suspect the PP of "the media friends" of President Madrid was the agreement to integrate Telemadrid in Cablevision. This company, led by Telefónica de Candido Velazquez, Caja Madrid and Prisa, wanted to have a monopoly on cable business in Spain.

"The night I might break the PP ', titled Age in February 1996. The magazine reported the watchmaking precision hours prior to the establishment of Cablevision, February 9, 1996, three weeks before the general election. Well into the night of 8, Aznar managed to break a cartel as drafted, whose firm was scheduled for the morning. A clear order came on the seventh floor of Genoa 13 bound for the municipalities governed by the PP: inviting tenders awarded to the highest bidder for the operation of the cable.

It was April 1996 and the Directorate General for Trade of the Community of Madrid had finalized a bill to ban the sale of cultural goods on Sundays and public holidays. Crisol de Polanco stores sold books and records on holidays, benefiting from a blind eye Executive of Leguina. Regional Director of Trade, Carmen Caballero, prepared a regulatory decree that was never heard. Crucible is still expending books and records the holidays with anger of small businesses. Gallardón was contertulio Being chain before his election as regional president of Madrid. There he shared a microphone with Jose Barrionuevo, who defended the case following the outbreak GAL.

And why not extend this far I did not want to play the famous editorial in the country after the elections of 96 in all were made to the defenestration of Aznar and the rise of Gallardón to the altar. And I wonder why after so many misdeeds and so many snubs to his party (a party that has governed in Spain by an absolute majority without Gallardón at the top) this guy is on the first line? What vested interests behind the figure of Gallardón?

Someone has to be able to explain why a guy who has done so very much damage to his party continues year after year note. I wonder why the opinion of this man, who has been having (and these three items the glimpse) is just as relevant to their heads and some media (and why many hide their misdeeds). I would also like to know why after of so many years this type is bound in a lesser charge but acting as a great leader when he pleases, without any consequences thereof.

That this man, who went on a tantrum child and returned two days later, follow in public life, especially in the ranks of the PP is incomprehensible. That a man who is characterized by the victimization, the bullshit and most disgusting grossness continues to have the supposed high regard I have no head. Gallardón treasure is no politician, but on the contrary, I think he has done more harm than good to the PP has been reported. But hey, they know.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Rotel Chicken Pasta Velveeta Cheese

the NewCope Alberto (2 ª part)

We're out of doubt. This morning we attended a solemn pants down journalist Ignacio Villa before the Mayor of Madrid. Mayor who spent the first chapter yesterday and today to dedicate a second. Highlights of the interview this morning are the contrasts. And for those who want to deepen, to listen here.

Alberto Ruiz-Gallardon did his secondary education at the Jesuits. Do not know what the Jesuits have more than two and more than three are academically and immediately the scare of Churches; either way have merit. But it also had its merit Gallardón was only 23 years to take up a post as a prosecutor in the Provincial Court of Malaga. Unfortunately for the good of the world the first thing I did was apply for leave to engage in politics. Do not forget that while in law school (do not know if even while he was with the Jesuits) and was active in the Young People's Alliance for Manuel Fraga.

On 6 June 1993, the PSOE won an absolute majority of fourth general election. That day came Gallardón news conference with Arenas to "report, in a move severely destabilizing an electoral rigging." It is said that King had to call Jose Maria Aznar to put an order within its ranks. We are not striking. It was the same as it was offered publicly (publisher of El País willing) to replace Aznar after the elections of 96. But as stated by Gallardón (in the words of Juan Jose Millas) "we must marry the ABC and lying to the country". : Contradictory or sly?

Gallardón is highly regarded on the left for his oft-repeated and dubious "centrism." Despite the June 24, 2008 Gallardón staged a dubious act centrist. That day he sat at a table next to his father, the Phalange Utrera Molina to submit a book. They said things like "Utrera is a loyal and great humanity, love of Spain, a country through which he wanted to give all of the most faithful to their convictions." Similarly Gallardón noted "his ability to see the positive element of his opponents and those who share his political ideology for the times you left running required to be less committed." Given that amount of praise from the mayor of Madrid to his father and former senior Franco unrepentant Utrera could not help but say that "full responsibility Gallardón think is the mirror of man for Spain at this time."

Gallardón is a contradictory man. Yesterday morning in La Cope praying the rosary. And on February 19, 2009 recognizing in public (what remedy) that is dedicated to rig contracts. As reported at that time the mayor Europa Press has acknowledged that the contract awarded to the Special Events in 2004 for the design, installation and maintenance of the City Council stand at the Salon Inmobiliario, valued at € 153,000, was rigged. According to information published on Thursday by El Pais, in May 2004 the Board of Directors of the SLA, then headed by Siegfried Herráez awarded a contract to the company of Francisco Correa, currently accused [...]. The problem is that this contest had ten companies, and Special Events was rated the fifth best deal. However, in a second record became the second most likely and finally managed to win the contest. " Go go, there is the case with its tentacles Gürtel brushing the hair slicked Alberto Ruiz-Gallardon.

And is that one of the things that some others have defended it for its magnificent Gallardón as head of government in which it has been. First he gave 90,000 million pesetas to Florentino Perez to lead the pitch of the towers and the sports city when he was chairman the Community. But when he came into office was able to place their policy works in Madrid as the most indebted of Spain. Since we had Virginia Zafra on September 30, 2008 "The session will wake up every day with the obligation to provide 750,000 euros to banks that have lent money [...]. Last year, financial expenses amounted to 272.8 million euros. This year will be even greater because in just six months the debt has grown another 327 million and now amounts to 6.366 million. Only in interest, these new loans will cost the people of Madrid 17 million each año.Desde Ruiz-Gallardon took office, debt increased fivefold (5,200 million is up) [...]. But in the second quarter of this year began to glimpse the break. After increasing debits to an average of 350 million per quarter, between March and June this year only grew by 65 million, according to latest figures from the Bank of Spain. " management Magnificent, yes sir. Who does not want a manager Gallardón personal?

But Gallardón has had many more successes as mayor. So I come now to head the protest against parking meters that put the mayor on the outskirts of Madrid. What we read on the web otromadrid.org: "About 3000 people found came to the Puerta del Sol, where people still joining the cry of us cut the trees, we put the meters, let the ass with this mayor or that we go through a fascist mayor. Residents flooded the downtown streets of Madrid with its demands and picket signs. Neighborhood Association Vicálvaro carried a banner with the slogan "more social spending, less parking meters, and neighborhood residents of Pilar sentenced" Gallardón = thief. Parking meters not. " A misdemeanor. What's more, as he denounced a registrar of property in the bubble economy forum on December 11, 2008: "I just came IBI receipt of this year: Increases no more and no less than 90%. " Democracy, pluralism, centrism and commitment to the citizens.

But what Gallardón What acts as a pharaoh with the public or is it really is? For that saying "the salute" which required members to make up the Post Office building, headquarters after the consistory, I do not think so. What if I think the news is published in La Vanguardia on 30 October 2008 : "The official car of Gallardón costs about 150,000 euros a year." The notice reads as follows: "The Madrid City Council paid 147,906 euros annually for the lease of the mayor's official car, Alberto Ruiz-Gallardon, which now has justified the cost for "security reasons, always understand and very special today," referring to the bombing of Pamplona. He continued "In fact, the reference of the Board Government of April 17, 2008 includes among the resolutions proposed by the Department of Finance and Public Administration, one authorizing the lease of an armored vehicle for the City of Madrid, and the multi-annual expenditure of EUR 591,624.00 as a precondition of it. "

trinkets, trifles, small change for a man of the stature of Gallardón. Last chapter points today, his alleged involvement with Corulla and Roca. Is published by Plural and to my knowledge no one has denied. "[...] In the television Miguel Sebastian, asked if there was any professional relationship between lawyer and Montserrat Gallardón Corulla, frontman of rock and arrested for money laundering operations. In an angry reaction from the Mayor of Madrid when asked Sebastian now stands at a series of data on police listen Corulla made in the past, in which the front man of rock repeatedly mentioned Gallardón and other charges of the City of Madrid as aid and support for their efforts come out ahead, in spite of difficulties, some of them with the law. "

Y seguía diciendo El Plural ese 18 de mayo de 2007 " En la primera semana de octubre de 2005, Montserrat Corulla realizó una visita concertada junto a dos arquitectos, para estudiar el estado de conservación en que se encontraba un frontón llamado Beti-Jai, de 3.420 metros cuadrados de superficie y situado en la zona más cara de Madrid. En esta reunión, Corulla sorprendió a sus contertulios cuando presumió de su amistad con Gallardón: “Yo como todos los días con Gallardón y aquí se construirá un hotel de lujo”. Del contenido de estas grabaciones se desprende que Corulla gestionó la venta del viejo frontón Beti-Jai (propiedad de unos empresarios vascos) a una hotel company, not without difficulties in redevelopment. In the tapped conversations are the names of Javier Hernandez, director of Heritage Community of Madrid, and Alberto Ruiz-Gallardon. Javier Hernandez have played a complicit role in the project "fits their technicians," while Gallardón figure as the person you turn to reclassify the property. "

Cleaning and honestly Fraga dolphin are undeniable. Today Cope has been in on the morning of Pancho Villa. not have remembered anything about their confrontations with the Church, nor have they asked about his political shenanigans. But surely will be buried today Gallardón statements that are made on 1 December 2008 in the newspaper El Mundo on Cope. And the mayor of Madrid reported on that date that the SEC president, Monsignor Rouco Varela vetoed an audience that wanted to keep with the pope to transfer his concern about the adverse effect that is occurring in society and some strong message of hate that is transmitted from the morning of COPE. Tranquility gentlemen, that is the past.

And in the coming days the last chapter.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Rss Feed Akiba Online

Alberto in NewCope (1 ª part)

guess I'm not. I do not know what kind of licks is going to give Villa And Gallardón Wednesday in The Morning of the Cope. Will kiss, they entertain, they will look forward to ... I do not know at this time whether all this will be something interesting or not. Those who are awake to hear me tell it, please. I no longer tune The Cope.

Gallardón going to the station of the Catholic Church, which has laid off Javier Armentia for being an atheist and Elizabeth Quintairos for being a lesbian, to clean up their image. The stale and forgetful little old gentlemen, longing for better times, tuned waves Episcopal morning eager for the kind words and sincere mayor of Madrid. But to what I am. Worth in this first chapter Gallardón remember some things from the area Catholic, apostolic, Roman and Vatican that the mayor has made. Father Bru, take note.

May 19, 2009. "The mayor of Madrid, Alberto Ruiz-Gallardon, has closed the shelter so the parent explosive Enrique diocesan priest and official exorcist of the Diocese of Madrid, where each day hundreds of immigrants antendían and homelessness up in its place a dramatic interpretation center. What the mayor seems unaware of the dramatic situation in which leaves these people, who have no shelter that yielded ago 19 years by the former mayor Jose Maria Alvarez del Manzano.

Would you call attention to this solidarity with the Holy Mother Church? Well aware. El País, April 1, 2008. "removing privileges Gallardón Church and will yield the land by tender to all denominations. [...] The announcement made yesterday by the Town Planning, Pilar Martínez. After noting that Spain is a secular state, the council informed the House that from now on, all the land that the City Council will grant or exchange with a religious institution should be subject to open competition in which all denominations can participate. All religious organizations have equal opportunity of access to the plots. Martinez was responding to a question from IU spokesman, Angel Perez, on the Council signed the agreement with the Archdiocese in 1997 and which the Church yielded 41 plots of public land (about 80,000 square meters) in exchange for others totaling 240,000 square meters in rural areas ". However

Gallardón can feel very proud of his attitude to the owners of the Cadena Cope. On March 2, 2009 Europa Press via knew that " Gallardón Medvedev promises to a site for the Russian Orthodox Church. "The mayor of Madrid, Alberto Ruiz-Gallardon, made the announcement today during the official visit of President of the Russian Federation, Dmitri Medvedev, the city, during which well meet different national dignitaries received the Golden Keys of the capital in the Plenary Hall of the Casa de la Villa ".

Although it as a clause would be interesting to highlight some words of Gallardón on this same date of the visit of Medvedev. Press Advertisement Europe "Gallardón expressed a deep sense of respect and affection for Russia, adding that the Russian people have shown a greatness of spirit and a capacity for sacrifice and dedication that make it deserving of the most sincere admiration (from English) for the generosity with which it has manifested itself in the most dramatic moments in the history of Russia, but also the whole of Europe. " guess this advocacy of communism, the ideology of tolerance in Spain was marked, for example, by killing Catholics will not upset the high jerifaltes of the English Episcopal Conference. only guess, of course.

Perhaps it may be funny to hear this shit from the mouth of Gallardón, but nobody's fault that he acts as the buffoon, and not only Wyoming, but from his armchair in the city of Madrid. So on November 23, 2005 we read in Libertad Digital. "Gallardón lights Paseo de Recoletos [...] arches were hung with programmed lighting and unrelated single words like "snake", "hangover", "bastard", "estrupro", "nest", "lust" or "rage." The traditional ornaments such as balls, Christmas trees, nativity scenes or Santa Claus are absent this year. " not leave my amazement as possible! But there are still some other things, intent.

Newspaper La Gaceta, January 2009. "The Madrid City Council will not make any objection to the campaign of atheists who circulates and Barcelona is exposed in the buses of the Municipal Transport Company (EMT). To which Manuel Cobo, Gallardón left hand and errand boy said "There is freedom to put all kinds of ads, but are we surprised at all that in a moment of crisis like this, there is much money to advertise this type of questions. We believe very respectable for someone who does not believe in spending money to express that doubt, though it seems strange, but it is his right as long as does not violate any rules. " According to La Gaceta "is intended to install a sign that says, 'there's probably no God. Stop worrying and enjoy life" for fifteen days from January 20 " And finally add something surprising: " At the moment , Catholic groups and Protestants have expressed their discomfort with this initiative. "Catholic" out against Gallardón? It is not possible, If mu Bueno!

And I think it's time to go into more depth in two cases in which Gallardón has gotten significantly finger in the eye of the Catholic Church. proffers were read in the log Liberal Red Corner an article entitled "Gallardón pill" that talks about one of his most famous initiatives. play some excerpts from this article.

"This time it is providing girls with a safe and discreet with which to amend a catastrophic effect powder for her, moreover, a few years. "" I imagine that many people seem perfectly normal for girls 10 to 15 years having sex with children in this age or even older. "And in this case is anointed right that gives the step forward. Girls can take the abortion pill without parental consent and as often as an accident or postcoital prevention advice. Gallardón offers clinical subterfuge against traditional preventive measures. I choose an opinion because Sistach and we all know exactly what they said and did Gallardón, Ana Botella left shoulder means, with respect to the morning after pill.

And finally a statement of Gallardón in the newspaper El Mundo, long before there was the controversy of abortion. Specifically these words date from May 23, 2001. "I do not know anyone who is a supporter of abortion. And least of all women having an abortion. From what I do not favor is that the suffering of abortion, you add one suffering in prison for women. So the obligation of the Community is to every means to prevent unwanted pregnancy. More sex education and contraceptive methods. The abortion not avoided jail threatening to women who become pregnant unintentionally enabling unless the pregnancy is only the result of a decision of women ".

I think I did not, reproduce, connect and command. meapilas Catholics will listen to tomorrow Cope Gallardón on which to judge whether to have a similar kind in the Episcopal waves is more or less serious, since a Catholic perspective and moral, which have Jiménez Losantos. If you think that is less severe, perfect, are you a hypocrite. And if you say it is more serious, please start sending letters of complaint to the Cardinals. And of course, ask for the resignation of the director of Morning: Villa Ignacio Calleja.
The issue does not end, I have new deliveries.

Monday, September 7, 2009

Welcome Message For Marriage

radio Federico is Gone

music, pretty good indeed, and with the transition from the sighs of Spain began the new morning show Federico Jiménez Losantos. A cooler Federico, ironic as ever and full of momentum greeted EsRadio listeners who followed him, we were, at that time. Internet, radio and digital terrestrial television standard as explosive and innovative blend of freedom of expression.

"Greetings to all without exception ... I also spoke to Cope." Elegance and style to characterize a new project with the same basis as usual. It's called good manners, something that both boast some grids. These if they are always, always saying what ... has not as a villain in the neoCope strawberry bubble gum. And for the record live greeting Carlos Herrera and Juan Ramón Lucas. Where have you seen this? Moreover

. He mentioned to Herrera and Lucas, La Mañana de Cope (including zapping has encouraged radio), Francine, told Radio Marca, the morning show and even Punto Radio Radio Intereconomía. That's the mark of freedom, freedom of expression and thought. Is to give the citizen the freedom to choose the dial, without concealing or hiding the rest Option, being brave and knowing in virtue sufficient for the person you speak again, not by compulsion, but because he wants. Federico

been cooler. I've seen the best Frederick, the Frederick of The Lantern and the early years of the Morning. The Frederick that is not pushed from within and outside the station, the Federico released that says what he thinks without fear of political quarrels and political pressure Episcopalians. We must greatly improve the technical quality, but that is a matter of time. Antena 3 de Radio began broadcasting in Madrid and Seville in FM and reached to its knees to the powers of the state and not factual. Spend

, see and choose. Emulating Garcia: on one side, the army of Pancho Villa, or the Cope pasty and rotten Nachete soporific Villa "The bells". On the other hand, penniless but free, the ousted of Cope. The second antenicidio. Easier than ever, but just as easy or difficult it has always been. You put the Cope and if you like, change the dial. No one ever forced to listen to Cope. Again, if you do not like Losantos in Tdt you to the left and right Radio Marca Intereconomía Radio. Do not say insulting, if you like, change the dial. Turns ruletita or press the button, but not slander.

And good news. Very soon EsRadio in Valladolid and Pamplona. We're in luck. A year sounds the alarm, thank God not ring bells, and we will hear the best alarm on the market: free and unmistakable sound of the irreverent Federico Jiménez Losantos. Here and in dictatorial Venezuela, EsRadio is freedom ... and freedom of all, we radio.

Friday, September 4, 2009

How Do U Know If U Have Bone Cancer

Gallardón The Olympic Games and hobbies Michavila

The truth is that the PP is that they throw it lately. After Camps quite logically be "decoupled" the stupid question of the costumes (which I still think it was invented to wear the leader of the Valencian PP) and that the issue has been made Barcenas soak for an temporadilla, is irrelevant to talk about two heavyweights of the PP that have starred in recent weeks.

First we must talk of former Justice Minister José María Aznar government Michavila. And a few days ago the former minister had to leave formally and informally by the shady politics of the law firm where she worked (you know, the need for multiple jobs) and the tentacles of the case Gürtel that gently hanging over him . For months several media, including Cope good, and expressed the need for the inventor of the covenant for Justice to give explanations about their business. Then, as always, is accused some journalists of inventors and sensational news, but now the very reason Michavila has its critics.
This gentleman, with a very poor and disastrous ministerial management, has worked in their working lives strongly disagree with the principles of Opus Dei to which it belongs. It seems that Michavila has gone through the lining of the principle of excellence in everyday life, or as St. Josemaría would be holy in ordinary life, at work. Michavila seems that rather than a member of the Work is a meapilas and a thief, had to run before the thing get worse.

meapilas not exactly a party-mate Ruiz-Gallardon, although it is a hypocritical Pharisee and a book. Do not really know yet why Albert has committed to the theme of the Olympics, when we knew that the chances of success were almost nil. Some believe it is an excuse to revive the city, and so, with the theme of the Games to raise money for the most indebted capital of Spain. Alberto is clever, but not both.

Personally I'm more of the idea that it is a mere matter pharaonic personal aggrandizement, or you want to appear. Want to go down in history as the first mayor of Madrid ("The Mayor ") that has been in the photos of some Olympic Games held in Madrid. You want your name displayed in all encyclopedias. To lead the investigation of 11-M Gallardón was not very hungry, but to waste money doing stupid works when Madrid have debt you have and Spain is on the economic crisis is, it was a lynx.

no tie, with that wry smile that characterizes him (those of the Sixth Interim know it well) and sometimes doing " Mongolian "with a palm, it was believed Gallardón again" Pharaoh. "This time not crying in públco saying that comes and goes, but after going back tomorrow yesterday. No. this time said that the sacking of this bid strengthens self-bid. If a person who has served as a senior in the party's heir Movement Party can not reason properly.

Maybe one of these days some of us can go to the Cope to tell his story. Or go back another day with Mariano that he missed stepping on the study "Antonio Herrero" (seems to be that he was stepping hartito only secondary study López Schlichting). Hey, now Michavila could double in the morning of Ignacio Valium Pancho Villa. And Gallardón ... because to do triple to Juan Manuel de Prada, that's what friends are common. Look, if one does not work ends where ... or if you just do not look at Rock for not working is ... in jail.