Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Dirtbike Motorcross Birthday Supplies

STREET MARCH 30, 1939 ...

With Street on March 30 began the section on the streets with denomnaciones Franco, who, despite having spent nearly 35 years since the death of Franco, are still name some 90 streets of the city. Luckily the Commission to rename the street Franco has begun meetings to choose which streets will be removed and what the new names. The 30 March is one of the candidates, now explain why.

On May 25, 1939 "Year of Victory" district Mayor Vicente Oncina chaired Court asked the City Council by Ambrose Luciáñez the street where he lived, Hill of the Republic n º 55, was labeled "with the memorable day of the entry of the liberating troops in our beloved city, which date shall be taxed (sic) in Alicante hearts of all good, because it disappeared forever bad patriots who could not only dishonoring to the world and ruin our dear country. " ended the letter with the required "Salute to Franco. Top of Spain."

swift and fast, the City Council Standing Committee agreed on 1 June of that year, renaming Street Cerro de la República, from that moment happened to be called on March 30.

After an initial mass change of names opposed to the "Glorious National Movement," according to letter sent by Ramon Serrano Suner, the City would change until the mid-40 the rest of the streets "secondary" still Republican period sported names such as this before us, including liberals also XIX streets that were totally opposed to the new system, thus bypassing the above by Serrano Suner which described the massive shift of streets as their own outdated political regimes . A theme already discussed in this blog ...

Interestingly, if we look closely, the district mayor's letter was sent when he met one year of another fateful day in Alicante: the May 25, 1938, when the bombing of the market. Today both celebrations, so different, they share space in the street. Let's review a bit

the origin of the name of the street. Curiously, in pre-1931 levels are already labeled this street named Calle de la República. The first reference to this street are in 1908, the year in which Juan Asensi requests permission to fence in some land he owned in this street. Before this particular date in 1892 the same John Asensi asked to raise Crossing a house in the street of Seville to Valencia could well be at hand. Crossing the name of Valencia are more requests for work.

All other building permits in those early years of the twentieth century are for the construction of the first houses on the street (Nos. 2, 3, 5, ...). The first review referred to Hill Street appears the Republic in 1912. In that year Vicente López Molina requests permission to build a house designed by architect Francisco Fajardo. After this date both alternate names.

The first reference to the name of Calle March 30 we found obviously in the same year, but with a fun errata. In that year, Eduardo Torregrosa Lillo requests permission to install a butcher at 29th Street (sic) # 12 March. It seems that still was not very clear the new name ...

home Alicante Gazette
dated March 30, 1940

On the origin of the name we can not say anything with certainty. Until the last century, 20 of neglect in relation to street signage was absolute. Agreements were not met and neighbors who decided to label their own streets where they lived. The most typical was to put the name of a relative (son, wife or mother for example) the "san" or "holy" in front. Hence, many of the streets named for saints in this city do not refer specifically to any holy man. Labeled neighbors freely humorous street names (Calle de las Delicias, today Agrassot Artist) politicians sympathetic to their ideology or ideals such as the Avenida de la Libertad (now poet Zorrilla) also labeled by an individual. It would not be surprising that a Republican named their streets with the name of their preferred system of government.

Regarding the name of the Republic Cerro us more questions arise. We know there is near the 30th Street hill called March 1 in Los Angeles where in 1898 deposits were opened Waters Sax (current Aureliano Street Ibarra). The first references to a Hill of the Republic are in the press referring to another historical hill, situated close to the said deposit, being a hangout of Alicante in the days of Mona. Referring to historical press encounter, the September 6, 1913 in the pages of Journal of Alicante, the following:

"I call on Mr. Orts Perez to develop the first of his two motions, it began by commending the work of urbanization have been doing some private gentlemen in the 'Hill of the Republic' where and can have a great neighborhood of well-appointed homes. (...) Also echoing the wishes of the neighbors and the men referred to above, proposes that the said street to the title with the name of D. José Serra and other means and built in the neighborhood so many times that you put the name of D. Francisco Zarandieta [today Lumiares Count] "

This excerpt leaves more or less clearly the location of the Cerro de la República.'d Be bounded approximately by the Avenida de Alcoy, Linares, Plaza de America, Javier Carratalá and north side of Paseo de Campoamor. This area would almost included in the neighborhood now known as The Altozano neighborhood that takes its name from a villa in the area called The High-Sano. Was this one of the houses erected on the Hill of the Republic and ended up supplanting the traditional name of the hill?

With the data we have made this map with the
possible definition of the Cerro de la Republic, which would provide
practically coincide with the Altozano. Would
green street 30 March and blue tank Waters Sax
Just opposite the start
this hill would be the Calle del Cerro of the Republic or March 30 at hand. Across the Avenida de Alcoy would stand the Hill of Angels above. Between these hills would be known as the Strait of Angels before Francisco Montero Perez said that puts him in the vicinity of the present Earl of Lumiares Avenue. The Wrestler dated August 16, 1916 gives us more clues about the location of this narrow:

"Trams of San Vicente, at certain hours of the day, climb the slope of the Strait of Angels so full, to temper, if ever unfortunately broke a brake, would be sorry one day of mourning for Alicante

Since the tram to San Vicente Avenue climbed Alcoy Strait could place between the two hills Angels. We, Diario de Alicante says, dated April 23, 1912 at following:

"SOLD 3,250 meters of land in the Strait of Los Angeles located between High-healthy and mosaic factory .- Give reason Teatinos 42, 2 º."

Moreover Alicante Journal, dated 27 February 1928 we clarified the matter:

"The old provincial road from Alicante to San Vicente, now dirt track will be considered from now on state highway and its first mile that ends at the close of the Angels, being the Avenida de Alcoy, will cruise the legal consideration "

not want to end without mentioning the" Top of the Capuchins' next to the Strait of Angels. Since Capuchin were in the Paseo de Campoamor, which gave name for a while, gives us think that could be another different place name to refer to the Cerro de la República.

This contrast between Cerro de los Angeles and Cerro de la Republic is also found in mountain of the same name located in Getafe (Madrid), which lost Civil War and spent her religious name to display the Cerro name of the Republic. Today

Street on March 30 has its input Jijona Avenue and ends at a pedestrian section next to the Plaza de Pio XII. As we have said is pending renaming of the street directly affected by the popularly known as the Law of Historical Memory.

Then you have some evolving maps of the area:

Year 1887. No trace of the Republic Street.
El Paseo de Campoamor
still called Paseo del Duque de la Victoria

Year 1925-28 approx. In the Calle de la red Republic.
see that does not reach the Avenida de Jijona but
remains in what is now Valencia Street

Year 1934 approx. Republic Street is
perfectly defined.
Crevillente Street is still called
Mendizabal, Castellón Square
still bears the name of
Blasco Ibáñez, Elda still Savonarola and poet Zorrilla
still get the beautiful name of Avenida de la Libertad

Year 1940 approx. Curious plane
retouched keeping Republicans names. It clearly reads "C / 30 (the) March (Republic)" still shows the streets
Mendizabal, Savonarola
(now Elda) and Chapalangarra (now Maestro Alonso). The Franco eliminated

Year 1968. The urban fabric is the current. Already appear
Elda streets and Crevillente. Mayor Suarez-Llanos and Pius XII
displayed and labeled.

Street March 30 at present,
waiting to get a new name


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