The second half of the nineteenth century brought the beginning of the demolition of the walls of the city and the first plans for the widening of Alicante. Es en 1890 cuando el Ministerio de Fomento aprueba el Plan de Ensanche del arquitecto José Guardiola Picó que tras algunas modificaciones sería aprobado definitivamente en julio de 1892.
La caída de las murallas dejó un vasto terreno por el que expandir la ciudad y en el que construir zonas de esparcimiento para la población. El "Paseo" sería la avenida estrella de estos años. Se urbaniza la Calle de Luchana (hoy Avenidas Dr. Gadea y Federico Soto) que hasta el momento era un erial repleto de escombros; se convierte de bulevar la entonces Calle de Alfonso el Sabio, se ajardinan plazas y se aprueba la construcción de un paseo en el Postiguet que llevaría el nombre de su promotor, el alcalde Manuel Gómiz y Orts.
Gómiz born in the then Royal University of San Juan and Benimagrell (now Sant Joan d'Alacant) on October 3, 1825, son of Manuel and Margarita, by being baptized by the vicar of the church Antonio Planelles. Went into business in the city of Alicante amassing a large fortune. In fact in 1871 was already the fifth largest contributor. He was also Director of the Union of Irrigation de la Huerta.
She told the Chronicler Rafael Viravens in Gómiz farewell banquet was at a meeting in the summer farm had the chronicler in Sant Joan, known as Gethsemane (on which the Street has opened Constancia de la Mora), where a summer afternoon of 1889 Viravens Gómiz convinced to submit his candidacy for alderman because he said it would be welcomed by Marquis Conservative leader of Bosch. Despite some initial reluctance Manuel Gómiz, he agreed, sealing the pact under an olive tree in the garden. After the victory of the Conservatives, the Marqués Viravens Bosch advised to appoint Gómiz Mayor of Alicante to the terms agreed under the olive trees of Gethsemane, which would occur in early 1891. Replaced as mayor Rafael Terol.
Manuel gave a hint administrative mandate, nothing political, earning him the discomfort of some print media and the slights of some fellow conservatives. He soon won the admiration of both Republicans and liberals who saw the new mayor was more concerned with the city of Alicante that political fighting.
Among outstanding works by Gómiz extending Riego Street (now the Theatre) to the Paseo de Luchana (Federico Soto) through the Muntanyeta, being the first carriage passed by it the mayor's entourage Gómiz way of opening a January 30, 1892. During its mandate broadened s Square Theatre (now Chapí) and Moratín Street, which since February 19, 1892 was renamed Poet Zorrilla (later Durruti, José Antonio and now Constitution). Tens of acacias would be planted on this street, which would be officially opened on December 1, 1892.
But his most important work was, without doubt, the construction of the beach promenade Postiguet. After knocking down the beach sanitize all the wooden shacks and raising a new uniform design and great decency, kept up 1909, proceeded to develop the unclean fill Postiguet Street (now Juan Bta. Lafora). Aided by the Navy Commander Emilio Pascual of POBIL all the open landscaped planting acacias and palms ... although the photos can be seen only palm ...
Gone are bath houses. Therefore
is a picture after 1909. In the streetlight
contains the name of Paseo de Gómiz
April 6 , 1892, at the request of the town councilors, we proceeded to label with the name of the new Paseo de Gómiz Postiguet ride despite the reluctance of the mayor. The political development led to the name change in 1895, when it was renamed Paseo del Duque de la Victoria. In 1898 return to retrieve the name of its initiator. Manuel Gómiz would
mayor in 1893, things turnismo and was replaced by Dr. José Gadea Pró who pledged to continue the planning and ornamental work of his predecessor. And if we did ... But that is another story. Let us just say that in his honor Luchana Street spent to bring the doctor's name on 29 December 1892. Although as in the case of Gómiz Gadea name was also drained and replenished again, reaching undisturbed until today.
Manuel Orts Gómiz and died in Alicante on 16 December 1902, leaving a wife and two children, one of which Gómiz Manuel Poveda pass away just a month later. The tour would
cleaned up in the 20's with the construction of a beautiful balustrade and a gateway that joined the Plaza de la Baroness Satrústegui (Ramiro short walk today.) At the end of the 60 being Mayor Jose Abad Gosálbez proceeded to redevelop the entire ride. Thanks to the efforts of Count Vallellano rail was removed from the first line of beach, but unfortunately many of the felled palm Juan Bautista Lafora and disappeared forever the balustrade, the gateway and the beach resorts.
early 20 approx. You can see the beautiful
balustrade and new streetlights
Gómiz Walk in the early 30's
(Postal Roisin, Barcelona)
In return we got a flood of 6 lanes, a Scalextric, a park and a bathing huts replaced soon after by a pair of blue and white flags shot down in the 80 and 90. The checkered ride became a symbol of modernity and a showcase of tourism in Spain. Premanecía length unchanged, ending at the height of the Alley of the Sierra near the cafeteria remembered the breakwater.
Work on the new tour is done in record time in just six months (February to June) and were awarded to the Yeats Society and Public Works Building and run by the municipal architect Miguel López. The ride would be inaugurated on June 19, 1969.
Early 60. In the foreground the Gateway
The same view in the late 60's. The car
is master of the first line
Year 1969.
pit is appreciated the Breakwater
Cafeteria (Photo Ángel García)
"The Postiguet Franco's Peace (sic)" Early
70 (Commercial Postal Vipa)
The Cafeteria The breakwater in the 80's.
was demolished in October 1994 and replaced by a small kiosk
soda (Postal Priestess)
mid 90's Angel Luna was mayor proceeded to redevelop the area. The original ride was Gómiz tripled its length extending to the Playa del Coco. The cafeteria disappeared breakwater, the last flag of bathrooms and the metal footbridge linking the Raval Roig to the Paseo de Gómiz. The new footbridge is put in place has been withdrawn recently because despite the restorations could not withstand 15 years of exposure to the marine environment. The checkerboard floor would be gradually phased out by another bluish by an optical illusion seems to be in relief. The stone balustrade would sustutida other metal. The new Paseo de Gómiz be opened, unfinished, days before the 1995 municipal elections which gave victory to Mayor Luis Diaz Alperi.
Demolition of the last Bath Pavilion on October 14, 1994
(photo by Rafa Arjona INFORMATION)
The 1995 reform was not as aggressive as the 1969
(Photo courtesy of Carlos Vela Alacantí of Profit)
Currently, seeks to recover the medium with garden in Juan Bautista Lafora-Jovellanos despite to the poor performance he gave in the past. If you want to know more about this project click HERE .
And if you have not had enough photos, now are a few shots in chronological order:
La caída de las murallas dejó un vasto terreno por el que expandir la ciudad y en el que construir zonas de esparcimiento para la población. El "Paseo" sería la avenida estrella de estos años. Se urbaniza la Calle de Luchana (hoy Avenidas Dr. Gadea y Federico Soto) que hasta el momento era un erial repleto de escombros; se convierte de bulevar la entonces Calle de Alfonso el Sabio, se ajardinan plazas y se aprueba la construcción de un paseo en el Postiguet que llevaría el nombre de su promotor, el alcalde Manuel Gómiz y Orts.
Gómiz born in the then Royal University of San Juan and Benimagrell (now Sant Joan d'Alacant) on October 3, 1825, son of Manuel and Margarita, by being baptized by the vicar of the church Antonio Planelles. Went into business in the city of Alicante amassing a large fortune. In fact in 1871 was already the fifth largest contributor. He was also Director of the Union of Irrigation de la Huerta.
She told the Chronicler Rafael Viravens in Gómiz farewell banquet was at a meeting in the summer farm had the chronicler in Sant Joan, known as Gethsemane (on which the Street has opened Constancia de la Mora), where a summer afternoon of 1889 Viravens Gómiz convinced to submit his candidacy for alderman because he said it would be welcomed by Marquis Conservative leader of Bosch. Despite some initial reluctance Manuel Gómiz, he agreed, sealing the pact under an olive tree in the garden. After the victory of the Conservatives, the Marqués Viravens Bosch advised to appoint Gómiz Mayor of Alicante to the terms agreed under the olive trees of Gethsemane, which would occur in early 1891. Replaced as mayor Rafael Terol.
Manuel gave a hint administrative mandate, nothing political, earning him the discomfort of some print media and the slights of some fellow conservatives. He soon won the admiration of both Republicans and liberals who saw the new mayor was more concerned with the city of Alicante that political fighting.
Among outstanding works by Gómiz extending Riego Street (now the Theatre) to the Paseo de Luchana (Federico Soto) through the Muntanyeta, being the first carriage passed by it the mayor's entourage Gómiz way of opening a January 30, 1892. During its mandate broadened s Square Theatre (now Chapí) and Moratín Street, which since February 19, 1892 was renamed Poet Zorrilla (later Durruti, José Antonio and now Constitution). Tens of acacias would be planted on this street, which would be officially opened on December 1, 1892.
But his most important work was, without doubt, the construction of the beach promenade Postiguet. After knocking down the beach sanitize all the wooden shacks and raising a new uniform design and great decency, kept up 1909, proceeded to develop the unclean fill Postiguet Street (now Juan Bta. Lafora). Aided by the Navy Commander Emilio Pascual of POBIL all the open landscaped planting acacias and palms ... although the photos can be seen only palm ...

is a picture after 1909. In the streetlight
contains the name of Paseo de Gómiz
April 6 , 1892, at the request of the town councilors, we proceeded to label with the name of the new Paseo de Gómiz Postiguet ride despite the reluctance of the mayor. The political development led to the name change in 1895, when it was renamed Paseo del Duque de la Victoria. In 1898 return to retrieve the name of its initiator. Manuel Gómiz would
mayor in 1893, things turnismo and was replaced by Dr. José Gadea Pró who pledged to continue the planning and ornamental work of his predecessor. And if we did ... But that is another story. Let us just say that in his honor Luchana Street spent to bring the doctor's name on 29 December 1892. Although as in the case of Gómiz Gadea name was also drained and replenished again, reaching undisturbed until today.
Manuel Orts Gómiz and died in Alicante on 16 December 1902, leaving a wife and two children, one of which Gómiz Manuel Poveda pass away just a month later. The tour would
cleaned up in the 20's with the construction of a beautiful balustrade and a gateway that joined the Plaza de la Baroness Satrústegui (Ramiro short walk today.) At the end of the 60 being Mayor Jose Abad Gosálbez proceeded to redevelop the entire ride. Thanks to the efforts of Count Vallellano rail was removed from the first line of beach, but unfortunately many of the felled palm Juan Bautista Lafora and disappeared forever the balustrade, the gateway and the beach resorts.

balustrade and new streetlights

(Postal Roisin, Barcelona)
In return we got a flood of 6 lanes, a Scalextric, a park and a bathing huts replaced soon after by a pair of blue and white flags shot down in the 80 and 90. The checkered ride became a symbol of modernity and a showcase of tourism in Spain. Premanecía length unchanged, ending at the height of the Alley of the Sierra near the cafeteria remembered the breakwater.
Work on the new tour is done in record time in just six months (February to June) and were awarded to the Yeats Society and Public Works Building and run by the municipal architect Miguel López. The ride would be inaugurated on June 19, 1969.

is master of the first line

pit is appreciated the Breakwater
Cafeteria (Photo Ángel García)

70 (Commercial Postal Vipa)

was demolished in October 1994 and replaced by a small kiosk
soda (Postal Priestess)

(photo by Rafa Arjona INFORMATION)

(Photo courtesy of Carlos Vela Alacantí of Profit)
Currently, seeks to recover the medium with garden in Juan Bautista Lafora-Jovellanos despite to the poor performance he gave in the past. If you want to know more about this project click HERE .
And if you have not had enough photos, now are a few shots in chronological order:
follows the ending of the old wall in the short walk
Ramiro. Note the New Gate and
platform where today stands the Casa de Cultura
Ramiro. Note the New Gate and
platform where today stands the Casa de Cultura

passes stuck to the waterfront and is already aligned. Ramiro
Square has gained in breadth

Mayor Manuel Gómiz. Born just along the promenade. Ramiro
The short walk has already Ruiz Gardens of Corbalán

Alley de la Sierra, in the Raval Roig

four are appreciated in the beach resorts

the bathroom stall. The Civil War left us with only two resorts
: The Alhambra and the Alliance

The Breakwater Restaurant. Front Raval Roig
the last bathroom stall

in 1995 as mayor Angel Luna
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