Sunday, August 29, 2010

Vip222k Dvr External Hard Drive


Label the first installment of Street Agost

Carrers d'Alacant moves today to a street in the fuzzy boundary of the Carolinas Bajas and El Pla del Bon Repos. Well, instead of a street that should say two, because Agost Street is unique to be split into two sections separated by two blocks. And how can this be in the XXI century? Do we want to fool the GPS? If we look at the planes located at the end of the article may see it more clearly. It seems that the original Agost street had no interruption and crossing the Avenue of the Mayor Suarez-Llanos to continue until General Elizaicín Avenue. Urban reform after starting the street had to leave in two installments.

Today, the first section of the Calle de Agost born in Pelayo Street ending at the Chronicler Viravens. In that place the overrides Espronceda Street dropping again to reach the Avenida del Alcalde Suárez-Llanos. The second segment starts in that avenue dedicated to ending the General Miguel de Elizaicín.

The sign of the second section of the street
shows the peculiarity of the urban roads

Agost La Calle was born in the early decades of the twentieth century. He was known primarily as Pelayo Cruise being a nameless street that was born of that Calle Pelayo. And so it went until the decade of the 40 in the new Franco authorities renamed several streets of the city removing names from the liberal politics of the nineteenth and paso muchas "Travesías de..." sustituyéndolas por inocentes nombres de localidades alicantinas.

La primera referencia directa al nombre de Agost lo encontramos en un proyecto de alcantarillado para la calle datado en 1947, obra del ingeniero Arturo Mollá Bay (padre del ex-Secretario de Sant Joan). Si bien la primera referencia a la construcción de una casa la encontramos en 1913 cuando aún era Travesía de Pelayo. En ese año el arquitecto Juan Vicente Santafé levanta dos casas en dicha calle a un tal Juan Asensi. En 1922 aparece la que parece ser la primera referencia al segundo tramo. El arquitecto Fajardo levanta una casa para José Hernández en la Prolongación de la Travesía de Pelayo (uf...).

Like everything becomes clearer with planes, we put to round off a few to compare. And if you want the comment:

Plan of the Second Republic (1934 approx)
with missing and unnamed streets already mapped.
not raised the opening of Mayor S. Llanos

Plano tweaking the 40 previous one.
You can see the real physiognomy of the area and the absence of the Avenue
Mayor Suarez-Llanos

Plano 1968 with all the streets and laid out and built.
Agost The second tranche of unlabeled leaves and observed the Avenida del Alcalde
Suárez Llanos already urbanized

current map Google Earth

Monday, August 23, 2010

How Soon Does Water Retention Disappear


officially inaugurate the blog Carrers D'ALACANT a street "ghost" because officially there and appears on the street, but the reality is very different because the street was engulfed by development of the 70. Still, his plate is placed on the facade of one of the original homes of the Plaza de San Cristobal, which finished devouring leading to our street.

hard they seem Mestre Martinez was not a teacher, and is written in Catalan. His full name was Ramiro Martínez Mestre journalist by profession and an enlightened mind from which the idea of \u200b\u200bpromoting tourism in Madrid. Yes, it was pfundador of the famous "Train-Boulot" economic train circulated without interruption from 1893 to 1917 to be recovered years later. Thanks to these trains thousands of locals could see the sea for the first time

Don Ramiro (which has nothing to do with the short walk) from the newspaper "The Correspondence of Spain" was responsible for spreading the benefits of our climate in Madrid promoting the massive influx of locals who, carrying their jugs, and 12 pesetas round faced an eternal journey by train from Madrid to our city where they were received by the carriages of different Postiguet spas.

Ramiro Martínez Mestre, Man-Boulot

Mestre Ramiro Martinez was born in Madrid in 1847 and earned his BA in Philosophy and Letters at the Universidad Central. Great lover of literature began publishing his writings in 1868, but very young man he wanted his passion: journalism. Until his death he served as editor of The Correspondence of Spain.

May 26 1897 was appointed chronicler of Alcala de Henares and one year later specifically a September 23, 1898 was named adopted son of Alicante for their ongoing campaign to promote the city. He was in possession of the Knights of the Order of Carlos III. Martínez Mestre Patriarch of the Order Botijil died in Madrid on January 8, 1922 and was buried in San Lorenzo Cemetery in a funeral procession consisting of six horses pulling the carriage mortuary. Accompanied him to the late hundreds.

The "correspondences of Spain" cried
the death of his partner

back to Alicante, in 1913 agreed to sign with your name on the Market Street of Knights. But the years passed and still no street Mestre. In 1927 the popular historian Alicante Francisco Montero Pérez requested to carry out the change of name once and for all. It was definitely heard the petition and the August 10, 1927 at the request of Deputy Mayor Joseph Alós remembered part of the then label the Infanta Street (now Gen. Primo de Rivera) with the name of the city adopted son Ramiro Mestre Martínez. This portion was from the old Plaza de San Cristóbal (much smaller than the current one) and Zaragoza Street. The reform and expansion of the then Comrade Macia Plaza 70 resulted in the expansion of the square and the passing of the street which curiously still keeps popping up in the street. Refuses to go away ...

believe that the name of Ramiro Martínez Mestre would be appropriate to label the current Calle del General Primo de Rivera once taken a resolution to amend the streets with Franco connotations, as this is a name such municipal authorities recovered in 1939 to install the dictatorship of General Franco.

Site map of Mestre Martinez Street

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Electric Box Ipod Level 19

Sheep (AND NEIGHBORHOOD Divina Pastora)

A friend of mine who was working as a postman for a few months, he once told me laughingly that in Alicante was a street called "Sheep." At first I thought I said it jokingly, but it is true, in Alicante have that street. We have been researching and have found the reason for this nice name.

If you look at the neighborhood of Alicante, we discovered that Sheep Street is located in the heart of the Barrio de la Divina Pastora. It is very difficult to establish a relationship between a counselor and a sheep right?. Let's look a little history on devotion to the Divine Shepherdess and the famous sheep:

Image of Divina Pastora
with sheep

To find the origin of the devotion to the Divine Shepherdess, we must look first in the image of Jesus as the Good Shepherd who plays his life to protect his sheep from the wolf attack. Jesus Christ himself is appointing himself as the Good Shepherd , as contained in the Gospels, but is a figure which appeared in the Old Testament referring to Yahweh.

The Good Shepherd with his sheep, of course

The origins of devotion to the Virgin as Divina Pastora, female version of the Good Shepherd, is quite widespread in the centuries before the eighteenth. It seems that was the Capuchin friar Isidore of Seville which was commissioned to spread devotion to this image of the Virgin in Spain. Usually represented as follows, in the words of the Capuchin friar said:

"In the center and under the shade of a tree, the Blessed Virgin seated on a rock, his face radiating divine love and tenderness. The red robe, but covered the bust to the knees, white sheepskin around her waist. A blue coat, strapped to his left shoulder wrap the environment of your body, and to the right in the back, take the hat pastoral and appears next to the right hand the staff of his power. In the left hand hold the Child and pose the right hand on a lamb who take refuge in her lap. Some sheep surround the Virgin, forming his flock in their mouths and all paths lead roses, symbolic of the Hail Mary with the worship ... "

was Blessed Diego José de Cádiz which is responsible in the early XVIII to spread devotion to the Divine Shepherdess by Spain.

diffusers devotion to the Divine Shepherdess
(and their sheep) are in the neighborhood street

see that sheep are the common denominator of both the Good Shepherd and the Divina Pastora. If we can call geeks because sheep do not?

Ooooh, in Valencia is facing tendreeeee month

Devotion to the Divine Shepherdess puts us in Alicante D. Gonzalo Vidal Tur back in 1803. It was at this time that Fidel Ollería Capuchin who was preaching in the late Carmen temple of the Brotherhood founded in Alicante of the Divina Pastora. Among the first brothers were residents of the neighborhoods of Caramel and Santa Cruz ayudron to the popularization of the brotherhood of Alicante. This was the reason, according to Vidal Tur says on the tagline City Council Rise to Lepanto (Between Wall Street before) with the name of the Brotherhood of the Divine Shepherdess, name lost during the Civil War and recovered from it.

Returning now to the streets of the Sheep and take back the plane of Alicante, we see that almost every street in the Barrio de Divina Pastora have a common denominator: San Francisco de Assisi. It is not surprising since the neighborhood was developed by the Franciscan fathers Carcagente Angel (with Place your name ) and built between the mid 50's and late 60's by the construction Charitable San Francisco de Asis on lands owned by Mrs. Joseph Alcaraz Reverte. We and the streets above Beato Diego de Cádiz, Dr. Isidore of Seville and the Sheep on the Divina Pastora, name of the neighborhood.

As San Francisco already had street because you put
this name to the neighborhood street

But also we have in the neighborhood streets of Father Francisco (and there was a street San Francisco in Alicante), the Mount Alvernia, where he retired in 1224 San Francisco de Assisi, Gubbio Wolf Street (round the street near Sheep ...) that refers to the famous story of the pacification of a ferocious wolf in the Italian town of Gubbio by San Francisco and we talked to HERE.

Nothing approaching the Sheep
Got it, Wolf of Gubbio?

A beautiful name for a street

A name closely linked Father Angel

We also Living Waters Street in memory of spring and the Virgin of the same name patron Carcaixent, birthplace of Padre Angel and Capuchin Bishop Luis Amigo born Massamagrell. Rounding out the primitive neighborhood streets of the Virgin of Orito, whose convent is guarded by Capuchin and Santa Rosa.

Amigo is said was a friend of his friends
(Oooh, the acentoooo)

And now we return to the eternal problem of Alicante: errors in street signs. Divina Pastora has examples of same street with different forms of writing both in Catalan and Castilian. Let's say Mount Alvernia Street:

plate spelled correctly '80s

plate 90s in Castilian. Oops
now has B. ..

plate of 90 in Valencia ....
What is a "MUNT?

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Harley Davidson Bedding


The Geek born, not made. Here's an example

Dedicated to Jaime Albero, who know that he likes the "About Me" written in 3rd person.

Can there be anyone so nerdy as to make a blog dedicated to the streets of Alicante with which it is falling? Yes, the view is. Someone had to do ... society it was crying. Alfredo

Campello, head of this page was created in 1979 at the "Residencia Alicante, 20 November, (time shift), and currently is studying Architectural Technology at the University of Alicante with critical and commercial success. Also do as you work. and has much trouble. As is fashionable now to speak, has 440 Facebook friends and got to have cyber-rolls by the IRC. He can write

strokes and all, and after filling several booklets Rubio has managed to bribe certain entities and institutions to publish two books him two:

* Street Biographical Sant Joan d'Alacant. Ed City Council Sant Joan (2008)
* Tales of a sleeping city. (with Alicante Vivo) Ed ECU (2009)

Oh yes, it's true. Here are the tests (Not Photoshop eh?)

also collaborated on the book Towers Defense de la Huerta de Alicante Francisco Ramón published in 2003 as well as joint photographic exhibition, opening the same year the first web on these monuments in the garden (which is something abandonadilla). Recently been illustrated in the book of anecdotes of Isidro Buades Ripoll forthcoming (or so they say). Is preparing new works (this is very well put it). Despite persistent rumors, Campello says it has not received any offer to take some of his works the movies.

has published articles in magazines and Easter Fiesta of Sant Joan d'Alacant (hence do not take out) and various opinion articles on tontunas several newspapers and magazines in various local and provincial-run (which always tend to be short of material and longer accept anything). Model and publishes articles in the monthly Bulletin of the Cultural Association Lloixa magazine grandpas highly demanded by the quality of their paper to be very good for the bottom of the cage of canaries. He is Secretary of that association, but neither is it to do much, really.

has toured a few times giving talks about Towers de la Huerta . Well, actually only did it once in the IES Playa San Juan. And have not called back more .... Today

and his regret is President (Acting) of the Cultural Association Alicante Vivo , more for disposal in its own right, having won several awards with this association superguays as

* Alicantinos Award in 2010 Wave granted by Onda Cero Alicante.
* Web Awards Finalists II 2010 Truth (bribery was not enough). * Prize Compromís
amb Territory 2009, awarded by the Bloc Nacionalista Valencià.
* Award for Best Cultural Blog 2007, awarded by the University of Alicante. Currently

go as a representative of this cultural association to 'Working Committee on the Elimination of Alicante Franco Streets' , thus more ballots to radical groups give a beating (if those right-wing groups will or left is not very clear, no ...)

Diversion does not refer to, no ...

the insistence of several friends (tired already put up) started this new blog on the streets of the city of Alicante in 2010 making good the adage that every fool you provides for one thing.

Ultimately, Alfredo Campello has come in its own right to the top of the blue.