A brief personal anthology of the beloved poet. Could give some reasons:
- For Mexico: despite acknowledging high treason in the poem,
- for his humility: he says that not even the greatest poet of his neighborhood, and who lives a few blocks from Juan Gelman, and
- Because of many awards now get deservedly 2009 Cervantes Prize.
But you know me for reasons I came to the world, so this time I cling to my amazement and I dedicate this entry to the pen Pacheco knew as a river, a beautiful stroke and the eternal wave that speaks of celestial bodies and seas as if had on the table.

My only issue is what is no longer
Y my obsession is called the lost
My throbbing chorus is never
And yet I love this perpetual change
this change second by second
because without it what we call life
would rock.
The sea goes on
Meanwhile pebble shore sea
not know where to get rid
When will your Inferno
it sticks
enemy land as an instrument of torture rather
dying leaves him does not give one minute of rest?
olarasca Tigre between their absolute impermanence
Catch never be the same
The prison is always identical to itself
And each wave would be the last
stay frozen in the mouth of salt and sand that
mutely is saying always: Forward
Rest fire
But the water runs through the crystals
know that is altered,
away from the dream, all that exists.
And the rest of the fire is taking shape
with full power to transform.
air fire and fire alone.
to ignite the air is fire.
Fire is the world dies and turns to last
(was always) forever.
meet now scattered and those closest away:
I am not one that you have waited in the park
desert one morning
unique riverside where
entered (and will not ever, never twice) October
broken light in the forest.
And it was the smell of the sea: a dove, like a bow
burned in the air.
were not, you're not
but the swell of a remote foam
converged on my actions and in my words
(only outsiders never, never mine):
The sea is pure water before the fish ever to satiate
human thirst.
At the top of the day
are the one who turns the sand to erase the emptiness of their passage;
the miserable hero who escaped from the battle
and leaning on his shield looks burnt the defeat
unnamed castaway clinging
another body for the sea do not throw your body alone;
the perpetual exile in the desert looks
cities grow deep in the sun recede;
which plunged their weapons into the skin of a dead god who
heard singing at dawn a rooster and other
because the prophecies are being fulfilled:
stunned and yet some have denied everything that opens
hand and get the night.
Mar eternal
Say no beginning
sea starts where ever you first
and comes to meet you all
Dear teacher does not run from your heritage, and if so, that the poem is infinite, a permanent presence, with no beginning and no end.
I leave Salieri as usual in a light that shines in these days but flashed thanks to the causality of events (click here )
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