A little more of the same. Now I made the other priest, Annas. Why? Because yes, because I wanted. This is less firm than Caiaphas, the more "twisting" and whispering. At least that's how I've always seen this character. It is also a little sketchy suciete and the drawing above, but is that I ended up wanting to draw half. Moreover, this was not for anyone, so I have an excuse. At this rate, I do all the characters I ride the musical and an animated series, " Superstar: The Animation Series ." Sounds good, right? ... Hmmm ... Like I do, do not be surprised: P

A Little More of the Same Thing. Now here it is The Other priest, Annas. Why? Just Because, 'cause I Was in the mood. This one is less rigid Than Caiaphas, more "sinuous" and whispering. At least that's how I've always seen this character. This picture is a little rougher Than the last one, as I got tired of drawing Before finishing it. Anyway, this one is just for myself, so who cares. If I keep going like this, I'll end up drawing all the characters from the roleplay and I'll make "Superstar: The Animation Series. "Sounds good, Does it? ... Hmmmm ... Maybe I do it, why not ...: P
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