few days talking about the draft redevelopment of the Plaza de Galicia on the occasion of the diversion of Loring Avenue and the construction of the temporary bus station. Within this project funded by the Generalitat Valenciana referred despeatonalizar the initial tranche of Professor Manuel Sala Street to Exit vehicle garages and parking Loring Annex. Carrers
d'Alacant not going to enter into discussions about the pros and cons of this project. Our intention is to provide some data on the above teacher as well as the origin of that street.
D. Manuel Joaquín Pérez Sala born in Sant Joan d'Alacant the April 6, 1892. He was the son of the mayor of time D. Sala Joaquín Alemañ and Ms. Josefa Perez Molla. Of marriage itself was born in 1875 his older brother José Sala Perez . His uncle José Sala Alemañ performance also several times mayor of Sant Joan, both brothers two mayors most concerned by the modest local development municipality in the late nineteenth century.
He received his primary in his home town, lost his father at age 11. He attended high school at the Institute of Alicante at the end they marched to the University of Valencia. There would license and obtain a doctorate in Law and Philosophy. He married Pilar Soler Poveda.
With only 24 years gets the Chair of Geography and History of the Normal School of Education of Cáceres, and soon after to play the same specialty in Ciudad Real. The next year goes to school in Murcia and in 1925 reaches the Normal School of Education of Alicante.
In 1920 at the age of 28 should take care of his nephews Joaquin Josephine Mary of Loreto and admired since his older brother dies at the age of 46. Jose "Pepe Chimo" Sala Mercantil was Professor, Director of Irrigation Unions (since 1911) Officer, Secretary and Acting Secretary of the City of Sant Joan and apparently in this town correspondent of the weekly "The Federation." He married Mary of Loreto Alberola Poveda that would be born of their three children.
strong Catholic beliefs and the more conservative branch represented by Manuel Senante, Manuel Hall was editor of the daily "El Agrario" and "The News" military during the Second Republic in the Independent Republican Party Chapaprieta.
After the triumph of the right is named, in 1934, Director of the Normal School of Education in place of Professor Eliseo Gómez Serrano . Also played the position of Professor of Methodology of History. After the Popular Front victory in February 1936, the leftist daily withering dismissal would ask. Still remain in his post until August 3 1936, when he is arrested and imprisoned in the Adult Reformatory, being separated officially from the post in September and submitted to purification. Would arrest war.
The post of director again shortly afterwards at the hands of Eliseo Gómez Serrano which, in their Civil War Diaries tells us
Day August 14, 1936: I visited Manuel Chamber Reformatory. It has embraced me crying "
On 1 April 1939, Sala Manuel Pérez presented in the School of Education where Gómez Serrano gives him the keys to the center putting staff in charge. The next day is stopped. At trial, Sala Manuel Perez is quoted twice to testify by Gómez Serrano, testifying in his favor saying it is "good person" and that his conduct had always been irreproachable. Hall recalled in court that Gomez was involved in a petition to request his release and denied any involvement in his arrest. Nothing could be done. On May 5, 1939 Eliseo Serrano Gomez was shot.
Manuel Perez Sala was the author of "Anthropo-Geography or Huamana Geography "and" Chronicle of San Juan de Alicante "written in 1924 and dedicated to Manuel Senante . Sala died on November 15, 1961 in Mutxamel, was buried in the family vault in the cemetery Mutxamel.
On 4 March 1971 the City of Sant Joan would devote an avenue, which would be inaugurated in September 1973 by his nephew Albert Hall Doctor Joaquín . Alicante Around the same time I would devote a small street that starts in the Loring Avenue and Street ends in Churruca. Since 1958, his brother José Pérez Sala also has a place in Sant Joan.

greets Dr. Joaquin Albert Hall after the opening
Avenue dedicated to his uncle Manuel Sala.
(Photo: Juan Gosálbez)
And as usual now, I leave a few plans for urban development in the general area and this street in particular:
is occupied by the branch railway to the port

Eusebio Sempere path emerges the route of the railway line. Canalejas arrives without interruption until Pintor Aparicio.

the ramp by Eusebio Sempere

and Professor Manuel Sala. Year 1965

once redeveloped the area. (Courtesy of Elkiko)
More information about the Gas Factory of the Plaza de Galicia: HERE