I still can not get out of this Technical Knock Out. Yes, I got hit in the body but also has killed me in silence, with low resilience. The telescope works perfectly. And more than the walls fell down in Chile I have seen further, looking for something to stay alive. Unfortunately I have found the bodies of more death data former victims of the earthquake. That vacuum more desolate than the desert itself is a heavy layer will drag. No telethon or commercial opportunism is able to resurrect the soul of a country devastated. And let's not blame nature.
Parra, the large ears to listen. More than half a century ago, published this (anti) poem.

Los delincuentes
modern day are allowed to go to parks and gardens.
provided powerful glasses and pocket watches
enter a sack on newsstands
favored by death and set up their laboratories among the roses in bloom. From there control
photographers and beggars who roam around
trying to build a small temple
misery and should the opportunity come to possess a shoeshine melancholy. Police frightened
these monsters
fleeing toward the city center
where large fires break out year-end and a brave hooded
puts two hands up Mothers charity.
The vices of the modern world:
The car and the talkies,
racial discrimination,
the extermination of the Indians,
tricks of high finance,
the catastrophe of the elderly,
illegal trade in women by international sodomites,
self-hype and greed Funeral
the personal friends of His Excellency the exaltation of folklore
a category of spirit,
drug abuse and philosophy, the softening
men favored by fortune
auto-eroticism and sexual cruelty
exaltation of dreams and the subconscious to the detriment of common sense.
exaggerated confidence in sera and vaccines,
the deification of the phallus, foreign policy
legs spread sponsored by the reactionary press
the excessive desire for power and profit,
the gold rush,
the fateful dance of the U.S. $
speculation and abortion,
the destruction of idols.
overdevelopment of nutrition and educational psychology, vice
dancing, cigarette, gambling,
drops of blood are often among the sheets of newborn betrothed,
sea of \u200b\u200bmadness,
agoraphobia and claustrophobia,
the disintegration of the atom,
bloody humor of the theory of relativity, delirium
return to the womb,
the cult of the exotic, the
aviation accidents,
incineration, mass purges, withholding of passports,
all this for nothing, because it produces vertigo
dream interpretation and dissemination of radiomanĂa.
As shown,
the modern world is made of artificial flowers that are grown in
bells Glass-like death, consists
movie stars,
and boxers bloody fight in the light of the moon is composed of men
nightingales that control the economic life of countries through some mechanisms
easily explained ;
they usually dress in black as precursors
autumn and feed on roots and wild herbs.
meanwhile the wise, eaten by rats,
rot in the basement of the cathedral,
and noble souls are pursued relentlessly by the police.
The modern world is a large sewer:
the luxury restaurants are crowded
digestive corpses and birds flying dangerously low altitude.
That's not all: The hospitals are full of imposters, not to mention
heirs of the spirit that established colonies in the post-operative year.
modern industrialists sometimes have the effect of the poisoned atmosphere,
with weaving machines tend to get sick of sleeping sickness
awful that eventually transformed into a species of angels.
deny the existence of the physical world
and boast of being a poor children of the grave.
But the world has always been so.
The truth, like beauty, not created or lost
and poetry lies in things or is it just a mirage of the spirit.
recognize that a well designed
earthquake may end in a few seconds to a city rich in traditions and a thorough
topple trees, horses, thrones, music.
But who cares if this
as the world's largest dancer
died poor and abandoned in a small village in southern France
the spring returns to man some of the missing flowers.
Try to be happy, I recommend it, sucking the miserable human rib.
draws from it the refreshing liquid,
each according to his personal inclinations.
Let us hold fast to this divine wreck! Panting and frightful
suck these lips
us mad;
the die is cast. Vacuuming
enervating and destructive
perfume and live another day life of the elect their armpits
man removed the wax needed to shape the face of his idols,
and woman sex straw and mud their temples. For all these reasons
a louse on my tie
and smile at the fools that fall from trees. In Poems and
Antipoems (1954)
In Salieri is a song posted on December 12, 2006. It's in the archives of this blog so the link leads to all the songs from that month. It is the second, with a title that could very well be the of this post: "everybody gotta learn sometimes"
The photos are mine. The first is a mural in Seville, taken this year. The second is from Paris, taken in 2006.